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AKPN "BAHTERA' Terakreditasi 'B' BAN-PT

Senin, 05 Juni 2017 - 12:45:41 WIB
Diposting oleh : Administrator

Pada hari Sabtu tanggal 3 Juni 2017, Taruna/Taruni AKPN Bahtera Yogyakarta mengadakan acara buka puasa bersama dengan dosen dan karyawan. Acara diawali dengan pembacaan surat Ar-Rahman dan Al-Waqiah bersama sama. Selanjutnya rangkaian acara dimulai dengan Pembacaan Kalam Wahyu Ilahi oleh salah seorang Taruna, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sambutan dari Ketua Yayasan Ibu Ernawati,SH. Acara inti adalah tausiyah menjelang buka yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Muh Ridwan. Dalam tausiyahnya disampaikan hikmah berpuasa salah satunya adalah agar menjaga lisan, elain menahan diri untuk tidak makan dan minum. Karena lisan itu lebih tajam dari pisau sehingga lisan harus betul-betul dijaga.Acara diakhiri dengan sholat maghrib berjamaah setelah makan berbuka bersama.

101321 Komentar :

Kids therapy
18 Maret 2025 - 07:40:52 WIB

I have regularly thought about precisely how important and vital it should be to determine one's disadvantages, and moreover our biggest strenghts.
If you end up undertaking everything that you're better at, you are more connected with your thoughts.
If you're doing a situation that should be grueling,
many a time you prefer it since it is an effort.

I've noted that you will discover people who find themselves in the
position to uncover all their competencies, even while one can find certain people whose life predicaments make this improbable.
Plenty of folks at the same time seldom realize that kids massage therapy can assist children whose relatives are really suffering from problems.
Cutting down pressure in the young kids allows for reduced worry
for the mothers and fathers, who will consequently experience their everyday life
in a bit more peaceful way, maybe even taking much better
care of their bodies additionally.
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